Not a lot of people have the opportunity to voice their concerns regarding Mother Nature, or to address issues that surround the planet today. There are, however, those who have the courage to do just that, considering the state of most of our planet’s resources at present. Brett Diffley’s Safe Passage is one of those […]


The award winning series continues… We’ve all been wired by various experiences at different points in our lives. These move us to where we are now. Our past, led us to where we are today. Sometimes, however, the past ought not to be forgotten. It can haunt us to the very day. Following Black Tide, […]


Winner of “Best in Adventure.” Ever heard of the Black Plague? Ever wondered if there’s a possibility that a disease of that nature could resurface on the earth again? The Coronavirus and SARS are examples of this potential crisis. Of course, those aren’t near as deadly as the bubonic plague that swept across the world […]

The Davenport Series: Book I & 2

PERFECT PLAN Reed Davenport, whose family owns the oil spill cleanup giant, Crude Technologies, encounters a tragedy at sea that will change his life forever. After two ships collide, he stumbles on a sophisticated human trafficking ring, who are exploiting children. He becomes a bastion for the innocent, taking the fight to them, and in […]

BRETT DIFFLEY’s writing style: Just Like Coffee Magic

Brett Diffley’s writing style is one which you can compare to a cup of brewed, dark coffee. There is no nonsense in it, it is straightforward. The magic in his writing seeps through and devours his readers like a slow, hot brew. He grows in you, truly; not that you’d expect otherwise, but with all […]